Black And White Checkered Dance Floor


Dance Floor in a checkered pattern is the perfect indoor or outdoor traditional dance floor. Its high-end look and feel is perfect for weddings, anniversaries, and other special occasions. This floor is stable and slip-resistant for ultimate safety.

  • What size dance floor do I need?
    • Good rule of thumb for 50% of total guests will be on the dance floor at any given time.
    • Allow 4.5 square feet per dancer /  9 square feet per couple
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Dance Floor in a checkered pattern is the perfect indoor or outdoor traditional dance floor. Its high-end look and feel is perfect for weddings, anniversaries, and other special occasions. This floor is stable and slip-resistant for ultimate safety.

Additional information


12×12 (up to 29 people), 12×16 (up to 38 people), 12×20 (up to 48 people), 12×24 (up to 58 people), 12×28 (up to 67 people), 12×32 (up to 77 people), 16×16 (up to 51 people), 16×20 (up to 64 people), 16×24 (up to 77 people), 16×28 (up to 90 people), 16×32 (up to 102 people), 20×20 (up to 80 people), 20×24 (up to 96 people), 20×28 (up to 112 people), 20×32 (up to 128 people), 24×24 (up to 115 people), 24×28 (up to 134 people), 24×32 (up to 154 people), 28×28 (up to 156 people), 28×32 (up to 180 people), 32×32 (up to 205 people)

Installation Surface

Indoor, Outdoor


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Monday – Friday: 07:00 – 21:00

Saturday: 07:00 – 16:00

Sunday Closed